At: South Bay Culture Center : 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089
On: July
Check in: 9:30AM, Classes start at 9:45AM to 4PM daily
Age of Children: 5 – 15 (K-8th grade)
Class Offered: Beginning and Intermediate Taifu(Hoklo)
Beginning Hakka
Beginning and Intermediate Mandarin (Chinese).
In addition to the language classes offered above, the emphasis will also be placed on
Culture Appreciation: Learning traditional physical fitness skills, arts, crafts, music and
dance to be taught by the specialized teachers in each field from Taiwan.
Also included in the classes are the using of the creative and motivational teaching
method developed by the inventor, educator and award winning cartoonist, Liu Hsing-
Whose works have won a sizable grant from the Dept of Economic Development of
Taiwan to produce a serials of teaching materials, “Great Aunt and the Little Clever”
including“Happy Spinach Chef” to be incorporated into the public school classes.
Contact Information: Susan Liu (408) 248-9114, susanwliu@yahoo.com
Simon Tseng (408) 255-5777, antad@pacbell.net
ChiuLan Huang (510) 252-1415, ellyc@sbcglobal.net
Hsu Paochieng (408) 946-8263, hsu769@sbcglobal.net
Space is limited, please register early. Registration Form available by contacting persons above.